It is very interesting working with the homeless, currently around London Charing Cross.
I often see them asking fro change, trying to stay warm. I hung around with a small group Charlie, Kirsty and Maneul all homless for various reasons... We got talking and i asked 'what do you guys do when its snowing outside or heavy rain'
They replied -
'We just huddle up together and stay earm, the little angle, the godsend is the dog, shes always so warm, like a hot water bottle she keeps us warm'
It is sad to see how broken our country is that we cant even take care of our own. I asked what gets to you the most about being on the street?
Its not the cold, not the lack of food, warmth, a bed. Its the people always walking by looking straight through you, as if you dont exist.
Charlie -
'Its nice to actually see somone taking an intrest, actually talking to us. Most people just think we are violent or drugged up'